Sunday, 27 September 2015

Article Learning

One > an > a : এক = একটি = একজন
This/that > the : টি = টা = খানা = খানি
Where they are used:
a/ an Or the + singular countable noun : a hat, the hat
the Or zero + plural countable : the hats, hats
the Or zero + uncountable : the water, water
Example of singular countable noun
A : The man who lives next door is a doctor.
an : My sister is an architect.
The : The architect who designed this block won a prize.

Example of plural countable noun
zero : The people who work next door are architects.
the : The architects who designed this book won the prize. 

Example of uncountable noun
zero : Sugar is bad for you.
the : The sugar you bought yesterday has got damp.

a/ an Or the + singular countable noun : a hat, the hat

A + consonant sound
An + vowel sound (A, Av, B, D, G)
A one-way street, a one-armed man
A European
A united party, a union
A large apple
A sharp bend
A hotel, a history book, a hill, a humble
An orange, an octopus
An Englishman
An umbrella, an urban area
An apple
An S-bend
An hour, an honourable person, an honest man
(a + norange, a + noctopus, a + napple, a + nhour)

Special Usages
1.      The Anaphoric Use of “The”: (to carry back)
a). I have an apple. The apple is sweet.
b). He is a boy. The boy is gentle.

2.      The Generic Use of “The”: (generalizing use; to mean – whole class)
a). A bird has wings. (a bird = all birds)
b). The bird has wings. (the bird = all birds)

3.      Specific Use of “The”: (limiting use)
a). I have a dog. (a dog = one dog)
b). The dog is black. (the dog = one dog)

Other Usages
1.      a/ an + adjective/ adverb + noun
This is a red apple.
He is an honest man.
He is a very honest man.

2.      a/ an + more than one noun
a red and blue pencil.  &   a red and a blue pencil.
a poet and thinker.    &    a poet and a thinker.
Advanced Usages
1.      a/ an + noun: (to mean – “any”)
There was a king.
There was an old fox.

2.      a/an + noun: (rate, weights, measures, speed)
Wheat sells two rupees a kilo.
He is driving at forty kilometers an hour.
He earns five rupees a day.
His salary is six hundred rupees a month.

3.      a/ an + name of persons
A Mr. Bamboo came here. (unknown)

4.      a/ an + abstract noun (a kind of quality)
She has received a good education.
She has a working knowledge of grammar.

5.      a/ an + verb: (used as a noun)
He has gone for a walk.
May I go for a swim/ a ride?
You should have a rest.

6.      a/an + uncountable noun:
(when a countable noun is as an uncountable noun)

i).  I have great love for her. (uncountable)
She is an old love of mine. (countable)
ii). He came here on time.
I had a bad time in Bombay.
iii).The room is full of smoke.
Let’s have a smoke.
iv). I will buy a chicken tomorrow.
I am fond of bread and chicken.
v). The sun gives us heat.
I did fairly well in a trail heat.

7.      a + few/ little/ lot of/ good deal/ good many/ great many/ dozen/ hundred/ thousand/ million
There are a hundred people in the street.
Here are a dozen of bananas.
A good many people witnessed the football match.

8.      What + a/ an + noun (in exclamatory sentences)
What a pity it is!
What a nice bird it was!

9.      Quite/ many/ such/ but/ mere/ rather/ not + a/an + singular common noun
He is not such a boy as I expected.
Not a single man was present in the meeting.

10.  Some Idioms:
To be in a hurry, to be in a temper, to have a pain/ a headache/ a fever, to have a mind to, to
make a noise, to run a temperature, to catch cold/ a cold, to make a fire

Position of Articles

1.      Article + Noun (a book, an hour)
2.      Article + Adjective + Noun (a good book, a historical place)
3.      Article + Adverb + Adjective + Noun (a very good pen, a very honest man)
4.      as/ how + Adjective + (a/ an) + Noun (as bad a man as he, how good a book, how nice a place)
5.      so/ too + Adjective + a/ an + Noun (so serious an attempt)
The Or zero + plural countable: the hats, hats
The Or zero + uncountable: the water, water
1.      Names of ranges of mountains:– The Himalayas, The Alps.
2.      Names of groups of Islands:– The East Indies, The Andamans, The West Indies.
3.      Names of rivers:- The Gang, The Magna.
4.      Names of great books:- The Quran, The Bible, The Ramayan.
5.      Names of newspaper:- The Time, The Daily Star.
6.      Names of planets:- The earth, The world, The Star.
7.      The dates of a month:- The 2nd February, The 6th December.
8.      Ordinal Number written in letter:- The First, The second.
9.      Superlative Degree:- The best, The oldest.
10.  Adjective used as Noun:- The poor, The rich, The brave.
11.  Before – office/ cinema/ theatre/ picture/ circus/ station/ bus-stop.
12.  Common Noun used as Abstract Noun:- The mother in her in dead, The student in me is still alive.
13.  Common Noun used as apposition to Proper Noun:- Patna, the capital of Bihar; Gandi, the fighter for freedom
14.  Names of Musical Instruments:- The tabla, The violin, the sitar, the harmonium.
15.  Names of the historical places/ buildings:- The Taj Mahal, The Red Fort.
16.  Proper Noun qualified by Adjective:- The late M. Gandhi, The immortal Tulsi.
17.  Nouns showing weights/ measures/ rate:- Silk is sold by the meter, Wheat is sold by the kilo.
18.  In some Idioms – be in/ on the air, be in the right/ wrong, keep to the right/ left, speak to the point.
19.  Before Noun + Adjective Clause:- The gold he bought is not pure.
20.  Before definite objects/ places:- on the wall, on the earth, in the field, in the morning, in the evening.

Other expression
1.      The + same … …
We live in the same street. (not in same street)
Are these two books different? They’re the same. (not they’re same.)
2.      “The” is used before these words: - the + top, middle, bottom/ end, left, right.
3.      The radio/ the Internet; not the television/TV; but, you turn off the television.
4.      All/ both/ half + the + noun.
5.      At + the.
6.      One of + the … ….
7.      Before “season and “the name of seasons”; not month.
8.      The + majority, minority, people, public.
9.      Varieties: - Continents : Africa, South America
Countries        : France, Japan
{Not used “The”}    Islands              : Sicily, Tasmania
Cities, towns   : Cairo, New York
Mountains       : Everest, Etna
                                   But, Countries:
i). Republic, Union, Kingdom, States: the Soviet Union, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom.
ii). Contracted Form: the USA, the UK.
iii). Plural Form: the Netherlands, the Philippines.
iv). At this format: the north of Brazil, (not, the north Brazil)
9.      The + noun + of + noun: The ring of gold. The water of the pond.

1.      Article: a, an, the
2.      Demonstrative Pronoun: that, this, these, those
3.      Possessive Adjective: my, our, your, his, her, their, its, Jarin’s
4.      Numerals: two, three, four …; first, second, third …
5.      Quainter: all, both, some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, few, little, many, much, more, most, enough

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