Sunday, 27 September 2015

Composition on "Obedience to Parents"

Parents are the greatest blessing of God. Obedience to parents deserves no explanation. It is our duty to obey our parents, that is, to do always what they tell us to do. All that we have is given to us by our parents - food, clothing and education. They tend us when we are too young to do anything for ourselves.

They watch over us in time of sickness, provide for our amusement, teach us the principles of their religion, and guard us from evil influences. Obedience is a very simple way of showing gratitude for these benefits. It is a way that is well within the reach of the young infant as well as the full-grown son. It can be put into practice easily.

Parents are not only the providers of benefits, but are the guides of their children in all the relations of life. There may be cases where a father and a mother prove themselves unworthy of their children's regard; but it is usually found that parents are as solicitous for their children's well-fare as their own.

Being adults and having experience of the world, they are in a position to form better judgments than their children. Therefore not only is it the duty of a child to obey his parents, but in doing so he is consulting his best interest. Just as the boy who would learn to read must attend to the instruction of his teacher, so those who wish to grow up into honest and useful men must follow the dictate of their parents. The captain, when entering a strange port, trusts to the pilot to tide his ship safely. Our parents are our pilots. We sail in strange waters, and our safety depends on submission to the directions of those who are more experience. We are not always well-advised in our choice of companion. When the time comes for us to decide what trade or profession we are to follow, when misunderstanding and perplexities arise, then our parents step in and say that this thing or that thing should be done; and it is our duty to obey them.

On the other hand examples of disobedient sons and daughters are but too common in this world, and very regrettable have often been the results of this disobedience. In former times, among the Romans, it was considered a serious crime, and the father might, if he was not minded punish it by death. One of the Ten Commandments given by God to the Jews was: "Honour the fate=her and thy mother, that the days may belong in this land which the Lord thy mother, that the days may be long in this land which the Lord gives these." Disobedience is base ingratitude, and one of the greatest cruelties a child can inflict upon a parent who has toiled for years his sake, and lavished upon him all his affections, regardless of self.

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