Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Science Short Question Suggestions for PEC 2015 ( English Version)

Life and our environment

Ø  What do you mean by the environment?
Ø  Which gas do the green plants absorb during the time of manufacturing food?
Ø  Write the names of our elements of air.
Ø  What is food chain?
Ø  What are the places where air does exist?
Ø  What are the important factors that influence the biotic life?

Environment pollution

Ø  How many kinds of pollution are there in existence?
Ø  What is environment pollution?
Ø  How does air become polluted?
Ø  What is acid rain?
Ø  What is the main reason of environment change?
Ø  What do you mean by environment conservation?

Water for life

Ø  Why it is said that the other name of water is life?
Ø  What is arsenic?
Ø  What are the chemicals usually used to purify water?
Ø  What is the cause of Arsenic pollution?
Ø  What kind of water is not safe for drinking?
Ø  What is Arsenicosis?


Ø  Why is black smoke of cars is harmful?
Ø  What is atmosphere?
Ø  What is a windmill?
Ø  How many elements are there in the air?
Ø  What is energy?
Ø  What is polluted air?
Ø  What is the atmosphere?
Ø  Write down the name of any two places, where less oxygen does exist.

Matter and energy

Ø  What is are the main property (ies) of a matter?
Ø  What is matter made of?
Ø  What is the source of nuclear energy?
Ø  What is called the process of transmission of heat through solid bodies?
Ø  What are the factors that control the state of matters?

Food for good health

Ø  What is food?
Ø  What is junk food?
Ø  Write down the six elements of ideal food.
Ø  Write down any two reasons for food preservation.
Ø  Which foods are mixed with artificial colour?

Healthy lifestyle

Ø  Write the name of an infectious disease.
Ø  What is childhood?
Ø  What is called water borne diseases?
Ø  Which of the insects can cause elephantiasis?
Ø  What is the name of the germ that causes swine flue?
Ø  Which mosquito causes dengue fever?
Ø  How dengue fever spread?
Ø  What is HINI?
Ø  What is adolescent stage?

The Universe

Ø  What is a galaxy?
Ø  What is the reason for change of seasons?
Ø  What is Milky way?
Ø  What is the universe?
Ø  What is lunar month?

Technology in our life

Ø  What are the central objectives of studying science?
Ø  What is the aim of science?
Ø  What is the latest and modern technology you use?
Ø   What is genetic engineering?
Ø  Write the name of an agricultural technology.
Ø  What is the main function of scientists?
Ø  What are the functions of the technologist?
Ø  What are the three ages of agricultural technology?

Information in our life

Ø  What are the names of the input devices of a computer?
Ø  What is the input of mechanical technology?
Ø  What is the input of information technology?
Ø  What is the output of information technology?
Ø  What is information revolution?
Ø  What is the main specialty of the modern age?
Ø  How long time will be required to be doubled the world’s store of knowledge if the present trend of expansion of knowledge goes on?
Ø  How can information be exchanged?
Ø  What is laptop?
Ø  What is Firefox?
Ø  What is CD?
Ø  What is information?
Ø  What is output?

Weather and climate

Ø  Write the names of three natural calamities of Bangladesh.
Ø  What does humidity of air mean?
Ø  What is the main factor creating the difference between weather and climate?
Ø  Which of the directions does Kalboishakhi come from in Bangladesh?
Ø  What is called the storm created in Japan and East Asia?
Ø  Where does cyclone create?
Ø  What is tidal wave?
Ø  What are the factors of changes in weather?
Ø  What does humidity of air mean?
Ø  What is weather?
Ø  What is climate?

Climate change

Ø  What is global warming?
Ø  What is the main cause of global warming?
Ø  Why is carbon dioxide getting increase in atmosphere?
Ø  What is green house?

Natural resources

Ø  Discuss what is fossil fuel?
Ø  What are the natural resources of Bangladesh?
Ø  What is meant by renewable resources?
Ø  What is the device used to convert solar energy to electricity?
Ø  What is solar panel?
Ø  What is “Green Energy”?
Ø  What is solar electricity?

Population and natural environment

Ø  For what is mankind regarded as unique above all creatures on the earth?
Ø  What is population census?
Ø  When is population census done usually?
Ø  What was the population of Bangladesh according to the population census done is 2011?
Ø  What are the impacts of excess population?
Ø   What do you mean by population?
Ø  What are the basic needs of people?

1 comment:

  1. These are some good questions of PEC to prepare answer for. I will definitely prepare for these questions. Thanks for sharing.

    flats at korattur
